Smitha Rao received her MS and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Texas at Arlington in Electrical Engineering in 2004 and 2009 respectively. She pursued her research interest as a principal scientist in a start-up company from 2010-2012. In 2012, she returned to academia as a faculty associate-research managing a laboratory, extending her research, and gaining teaching experience. She is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. Her research focuses on inter-disciplinary areas including MEMS, microfluidics, tissue engineering, nanofibers, and nanoparticles with application in cancer studies, scaffolds, sensors, and implantable devices. Her teaching includes biomedical instrumentation and micro-and nanotechnology for biomedical applications. She is a senior member of IEEE.
Organizer Type: Actuators, Energy Harvesting and Powering Sensors
D. KOURTICHE received the Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Sciences and Technology, in 1985, and The Ph.D. degree from Lorraine University in 1991.
His research activities are carried out at the Jean Lamour Institute (IJL) where he is the deputy head of the N2EV department (Nanomaterials, Electronics and Living Systems)
He is currently Professor in Electronics and Instrumentation where he teaches Electronics and Instrumentation for both graduate and undergraduate levels at the Faculty of Sciences. His research interests focus on active implants immunity to electromagnetic fields, impedance spectroscopy, biosensors, and electronic instrumentation.