Meet the Editors Panel

IEEE 2022 SENSORS Conference will host a panel for attendees to meet and discuss with the editors of journals published by the IEEE Sensors Council. The panelists include the Editors-in-Chief (EiC) and Topical Editors of the IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Sensors Letters, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), and IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics (J-FLEX). The interactive panel will help authors and potential authors understand how to publish in these journals.

Date: Wednesday, November 2nd 2022 

Time: 1:30-2:30 PM

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, Room will be announced in the final program


Srinivas Tadigadapa

Srinivas Tadigadapa

EiC of IEEE Sensors Letters

Sandro Carrara

Sandro Carrara

EiC of  IEEE Sensors Journal

Wang Headshot

Honggang Wang

EiC of IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Ravinder Dahiya

Ravinder Dahiya

EiC of IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics

Panel Coordinators


Zeynep Celik

Krikor Ozanyan

Krikor Ozanyan

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