Hamida HALLIL, Ing. PhD, is an Assoc. Prof. in electrical engineering at the Bordeaux University and affiliated with IMS lab. (CNRS, UMR 5218) in France. Her current research interests include the design of innovative devices and sensors using electromagnetic and acoustic transduction modes. In 2018 for 2 years, she was assigned as Adjunct research scientist at School EEE NTU and CINTRA lab. (CNRS, UMI 3288) in Singapore and her work focuses on the development of 2D based acoustic and microwave devices. She is Fellow of the French National council of universities since 2015, Chair of IEEE Sensors Council France Chapter and of WiSe committee of the IEEE Sensors Council since 2021. She also serves on the organizing or technical committees of several conferences, including IEEE : SENSORS ‘19 & ‘21, DTIP, NMDC ‘17,‘18,’19, ‘20 and IEEE ICECS ’20, IEEE COINS ‘21.