How to Hold an Online Board Meeting

Board meetings online can be held with all the benefits of meeting in person. By allowing members to attend, and using modern tools for online collaboration, you can make sure that your meetings run smoothly and efficient. But you’ll check this still need to ensure that all the necessary elements are in place.

Start with a full list of attendees. This is essential for all board meetings, but particularly for those that are virtual. If you don’t obtain an accurate list of attendees in advance you possibility of excluding those who could have valuable insight or ideas to share.

Make it clear to everyone who can attend the meeting. If required, provide multiple ways to join, for example via video and audio.

Use remote board software that comes with numerous options to increase engagement and make your meetings more enjoyable. The right software can also assist you in keeping your meeting on track and allow for efficient minute-taking and efficient discussions.

Set goals for each discussion topic. This helps keep the group focused and cuts down the amount of time wasted on irrelevant topics. It is also useful to establish an amount of time for every topic of discussion. This is essential because it can be easy for the meeting to veer off course and to last longer than you had planned.

Create a waiting area for those who want to join the meeting but can’t attend. This is helpful if there’s an unexpected clash in schedules or a technical problem that isn’t able to be resolved.

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